Today is the Canadian release date for Terry Pratchett's latest Discworld novel, Unseen Academicals, and I confess to being positively giddy at the prospect of getting my hands on a copy. (It came out in the US last week and in the UK the week before that, so wherever you are, there's a good chance that you too can obtain a copy.) In it, apparently, the wizards of Ankh Morpork's Unseen University are compelled by Lord Vetinari to revive their ancient football tradition and, what's more, they must win the big game without the aid of magic. An irresistible premise, no? My very favourite Discworld novels are the ones that centre on the City Watch. And the novels featuring the witches are a close second. But as an academic and a football fan, I'm confident that I'll find this latest Discworld installment highly entertaining as well.
That's the UK/Canadian cover on the left, and the US one on the right. I think I prefer the former. And you?
One day I will be caught up in this series, but probably not for a very long time! I like the former cover better, too
I like the one on the right. My husband is a Pratchett fanatic and is so excited about the new book!
I like the Canadian one much better. And I keep meaning to get to this series!
I like the UK cover best that is what we get here in Australia. I love Pratcehtt, my husband intorduced me to his books, my favourite is Hogfather. I have just started to read Unseen Academicals and will post a review eventually. It's nice to find a fellow Pratchett fan. Do you get the new editons of the paperbacks with the classy black covers, I quite like those covers too.
I didn't know he had a new book out I love Terry Pratchett
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