Ever since I moved to Toronto, I've been meaning to seek out the house that L.M. Montgomery lived in here from 1935 until her death in 1942, and today I finally did. Those were not happy years for Montgomery, but she loved that house⎯the only one of her beloved homes that she actually owned⎯and the Toronto neighbourhood in which it is located. After snapping a couple of pictures of the house, I wandered down to the river that runs along the ravine behind it, and I could easily imagine Montgomery taking solace in that landscape during difficult times. See my photos of the house and the river below.
Wow - what an enlightening post. I do not know very much about LMM's life but when I was a child I had a pathological love of her Anne books - and there is such a strong sense of the domestic in those novels that I can imagine that she was probably a woman whose home meant a lot!
Thanks so much for sharing! Somehow your pictures make the idea of that as her home seem more real (that barely makes sense, but it's been a very long day!)
Thank you for sharing those! I was reading "Remembering Lucy Maud Montomery" a while ago, and they gave the address of that house. I was trying to find it with Street View on Google Maps - now I can go back and try again, knowing what it looks like now!
I hope you enjoy your trip to PEI - have you been before? We were there in 2005 and I loved every minute of it.
My second collection of short stories, All In Together Girls, is now available in Canada, the U.S., the UK, and most other places where English language books are sold. You can buy it at your local bookstore, or order it from online retailers such as McNally Robinson, Amazon, Chapters/Indigo, Powell's, or The Book Depository. You can also borrow it from a number of public and university libraries in Canada and the U.S. Check with your local library to see if they have it, and please encourage them to buy it if they don't!
Very attractive. I wonder if the flag is always there or Olympic related?
Lovely photos, Kate!
Wow - what an enlightening post. I do not know very much about LMM's life but when I was a child I had a pathological love of her Anne books - and there is such a strong sense of the domestic in those novels that I can imagine that she was probably a woman whose home meant a lot!
Lovely post, thanks for sharing
Lovely! I went to (one of?) the PEI house in December and was pretty thrilled!
Thanks so much for sharing! Somehow your pictures make the idea of that as her home seem more real
(that barely makes sense, but it's been a very long day!)
Thank you for sharing those! I was reading "Remembering Lucy Maud Montomery" a while ago, and they gave the address of that house. I was trying to find it with Street View on Google Maps - now I can go back and try again, knowing what it looks like now!
I hope you enjoy your trip to PEI - have you been before? We were there in 2005 and I loved every minute of it.
Very interesting, I'd love to visit that house.
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