Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Hardest Part of Writing

I can totally relate to this bit of the interview with Alan Bradley (whose The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie I look forward to reading) that appeared in the Saturday Globe and Mail:

"The hardest part of writing," he confides, "is sitting down. Once I'm there, I'm good – I write about 1,000 words a day."

For the rest, click here.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful! What I love about this interview is learning that his success as a writer comes after many years (40 I think) of writing, with a few small publications and many pieces that went unsold. He seems like a lovely guy and I hope he and his wife have a terrific time on their travels. Thanks for posting this, Kate.

Suko said...

Interesting words! And his book sounds intriguing. . . .

Rebecca Reid said...

Great quote! I too can relate.