You scored as Lord Havelock Vetinari. You are Lord Vetinari! Supreme ruler of Ankh-Morpork! Cool, calculated, and always in control. You graduated from the assassins guild, but failed a course on stealth and camouflage, because the professor never saw you there (even though you attended every class). You always seem to know what everyone is thinking, and after a conversation with you, people feel that they have just escaped certain death.
Which Discworld Character are you like?
I hope you're not offended when I say that this makes me a bit scared of you.:) Now I'm off to find out which Discworld character I am!
Apparently I am Carrot Ironfounderson. I have no idea who this is. Of course, I have no idea what Discworld is about, either!
Matt, no offence taken. I'm a little scared myself!
Patricia, Carrot Ironfounderson is a very noble character. He's a six-foot tall, red-haired dwarf--human by birth but raised by dwarves and very emphatic about his dwarf identity. The book in which he is first introduced is Guards! Guards! which I highly recommend. Not only is it the first in the City Watch series (my favourites so far among Pratchett's books) but it also introduces the Orangutan librarian and some marvellously metaphysical theories about libraries and librarianship that I think would entertain you...
I'm with Matt, I'm a little scared of you now too. Like Patricia I scored a Captain Carrot. Does that mean I have to dye my hair bright red? I hope not. I've not read Guards! Guards! I will have to be sure to get to that one.
Thanks for posting this. I had fun last night when my result reveals me as Granny Weatherwax.
I think it's a good thing to be a Granny Weatherwax. She gets things done, and the world in general is better with people like her.
I scored Carrot Ironfounderson too. This is the blogosphere telling me it's time for more Pratchett. I haven't read Guards! Guards! yet either.
Very enjoyable quiz Kate :)
lol. i got carrot too!
i have read guards! guards and all the other city watch books and i am so proud to b like carrot. he is a legend and my favourite character.
i got vetinari second and i thought that was a bit strange
from JAZ
This is a great blog. I believe that I am like Moist Von Lipwig. I have found a good page about the discworld characters.
Check them out!
The world would be a better place with more Vetinari's in it, wouldn't it?
I think I am most like the Librarian only not so hairy and I can't quite get the hang of hanging upside-down by my left foot but I do love book s and bananas :-)
Librarian :)
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