Friday, April 06, 2012

L.M. Montgomery's Toronto Stomping Grounds

I had a lovely walk along the Humber River today. The snapshots below were all taken within a mile or so of L.M. Montgomery's Toronto house and, knowing how much she loved to walk among trees and beside water, I imagine that the places they depict were once her stomping grounds.


Suko said...

Looks like a beautiful place for a contemplative walk!

Laura Morrigan said...

Lovely place. I would like to go there one day too and see where LM Montgomery walked.

Melwyk said...

Following the path of LMM. Sounds like heaven!! Thanks for sharing pictures.

Marie Cloutier said...

I love those pictures. They remind me of the woods I used to play in as a child.

Laurel said...

I don't know about LM Montgomery's house in Toronto except what you've put on your blogsite. She certainly made Prince Edward Island a magic place for girls of my generation.